Electronic Manufacturing Services

More than 30 years
of EMS experience


PCB mounting


in Details




May 2024

In order to satisfy customer requirements, we increased the production capacity by expanding the technological equipment with another selective soldering wave Ersa VERSAFLOW 3/35 Global Edition.
We have increased the throughput of production during the PCB splitting operation by acquiring an automatic cutting machine ER-6000DX-V. This equipment allows us to divide blanks of printed circuit boards precisely, safely and with high quality, without bridge residues.

We produce custom-made electronics

Our strongest point is delivery deadline - compliance and flexible production under the highest quality standards. The flexibility of the production lines makes it possible to meet requirements of our customers starting at the production of one assembly.

During our time in the market, we have achieved the position of a reliable business partner offering a wide range of PCB assembling options, from individual units to mass-scale production.


We assembly printed circuit boards:

   SMT technology,
   THT technology or


We sold assembled printed circuit boards:

   manually or by machine,
   flat soldering or selectively,
   Pb or Pb Free.


We purposefully manage and evaluate:


For more than 30 years of experience we can offer you

Modern technology

The availability of cutting-edge, modern technologies that we keep up-to-date with global trends.

Years of experience

Years of experience with EMS services.

Complex services

Complex EMS projects starting from PCB processing design, purchase and production of components, assembling up to delivering of the product to the requested customer delivery point.

Post-assembly services

Customised post-assembling services, i.e. varnishing, testing, final assembly, uploading firmware, and logistics services.

Production traceability

Supportive traceability system using 2D codes placed on PCB’s, enabling customer the opportunity to continuously track their order from factory production to shipping.

Quality management

Well-functioning, certified Quality Management System ISO 9001 and Environmental Management System ISO 14001, effectively implemented and continuously improving since 2005.